Top 10 Gardening Tools Every Gardener Should Have

The requirement for gardening tools totally depends on your garden size, and how big it is. If you have only a few potted plants or a full surface garden with various plants. For a few potted plants, you only need a few hand tools like a hand trowel and a watering can are probably the only garden equipment you required. But for a medium or big surface garden, you are going to need some extra tools to get the job done easily.


gardening tools


Before purchasing gardening tools always focus on the quality and durability of the tools that will last for a long time. A quality tool will make your gardening easier and save time.

In this article, I am going to suggest you the 10 most essential and efficient gardening tools names with pictures that will make your gardening easier. You can purchase these garden tools as per your requirement from the online or offline markets. Also, you can consider any other garden equipment which is required for your garden or gardening work.

1. Gloves

gardening gloves


Using the right pair of gloves during garden work or operating gardening equipment is really necessary to avoid sudden accidents or to get the work done with comfort. Before purchasing a pair of gloves some important factors must be in mind, fitting is important because poorly fitting gloves can cause accidents from slipping off. Gloves should be comfortable enough for all kinds of gardening work. It should be water-resistant and durable as well.




2. Hand Trowel

hand trowel for garden


A hand trowel is one of the most essential gardening tools for planting, potting, transplanting, and various other work. The trowel must be made of stainless steel and the handle should fit properly in your hand. Last, of all, it must be durable for a longer period.




3. Watering Can

watering can for garden


Basically watering cans for gardening are two types, one is a plastic can and another is a metal can. Plastic cans are lighter in weight than metal can but won’t last for a long time. If you are opting for metal can then keep in mind that it must resist rusting. There are various styles, colors, sizes, and nozzle options available in the market but you should consider the size and style of the can according to your strength and comfort. At least 2 gallons of capacity is preferable for a watering can but also easy to carry when full.




4. Hand Fork

hand fork for gardening


Hand fork is useful for doing various gardening work easily like digging soil, turning soil, scooping mulch and turning compost piles, etc. Sometimes it’s better than a spade for light work. Forks maybe with a slight curve or straight. 




5. Garden Rake

garden rake


A Garden rake is mostly used for scraping, or leveling materials, such as soil, mulch, or leaves. There are different types of rakes available in the market with different styles and sizes, get one as per your requirement. Adjustable rakes can be a good choice because they can be used as more than one tool. Steel tines are a stronger and better option than plastic tines, also they are more durable.




6. Pruning Shears

garden pruning shears


There are mostly three types of pruning shears available in the market, anvil pruner, bypass pruner, and ratcheting pruner. Anvil pruners are cut with a sharp blade which is best for dead wood. Bypass pruners cut like scissors, better for live plants and green wood. Ratcheting pruners provide better cutting strength to a gardener. Pruners are also useful for harvesting vegetables and fruits without damaging the plant. Before purchasing a pruner must ensure that it should fit perfectly in the palm of your hand. Pruners should be sharpened regularly for proper cuts and less injury to plants.




Also Read: Complete Guide to Start A Kitchen Garden at Home.


7. Spade

Spade or shovel is a most essential and important tool for a gardener. For digging holes for plants, edging, and moving a small amount of soil or dirt from one area to another this tool has a great impact. A spade is available with long or short handles in the market, so you can get it as per your choice. The most important thing is that it must be made of stainless steel, rust-protected, and last for a long time.




8. Hoe

gardening equipment


Another important piece of equipment for making gardening easier. Hoes are used for preparing flower beds, cutting down weeds, digging holes for plants, and for various other work. It is also used for preparing furrows for planting and to break up clods of clay. There are different hoe-heads available in the market in different shapes and sizes. Always choose a sharp blade that is better for work and also look for a comfortable handle.




9. Garden Hose

garden hose


Water is the life of your garden and it’s your responsibility that your garden is getting the required amount of water. When you are choosing a hose for a garden then it must be in your mind that a hose can reach and spray every area of your garden. There are different diameters of hose are available in the market. Hose length will affect water pressure so before buying estimate the amount length you need. An adjustable nozzle must be in the hose for controlling the water pressure. Always store the hose coiled up and keep it out of direct sunlight.




10. Hand Weeder

A hand weeder can make your gardening easier. Mostly it is required when a lot of weeds appear in your garden. During choosing a hand weeder must consider that it is rust-resistant and made of stainless steel. Also, look for a comfortable handle.




While these are the top 10 essential gardening tools every gardener should have, you may need some specific tools depending on your garden size, types of gardening, and types of plants you grow. According to your particular need, you can expand your tool collection.


Importance of Gardening Tools

garden tools


It’s not true that without tools garden work is impossible but without gardening tools, it takes a lot of time and effort and you can avoid it using a piece of proper gardening equipment for various work. 


First of all, you can minimize the time needed for garden work using a garden tool. Because your hands are always less effective than a tool for a specific work.


Also, a better result can be achieved by using proper equipment. At every stage of gardening like soil preparation, planting, pruning, watering, harvesting, etc. you can perform the work more accurately because the tools are created specifically to perform a specific gardening work.


Garden Tools Care and Maintenance

Care and maintenance of gardening tools is most important to get a proper efficient outcome. When you use gardening equipment in the field it makes contact with soil bacteria, fungi, and many other noxious elements. So if you use that tool without cleaning then the infestation can be spread throughout the garden.


Regular maintenance keeps the garden tools in good working condition and also helps them last longer. So regularly clean and sterile used tools and also they need to be sharp from time to time. It really takes a few minutes to take care of your tools so you should not ignore them.



How to remove rust from gardening tools?

Commercial rust removers are available in the market, but you can also prepare your own rust removers from ingredients you probably have in your home. Like soaking the tools in vinegar or you can use baking soda or lemon and salt.

How to disinfect gardening tools?

Various disinfectants are available in the market. You can use them as per your choice by spraying them on your tool or soaking the tool in the disinfectant. You can also use steam or dry heat to disinfect your gardening tools. But before you begin the disinfection, clean the tools to remove all dirt and debris.

How to sharpen gardening tools?

It’s important to remove rust and dirt before you start sharpening. There are different ways for sharpening various gardening tools. For better sharpening, you have to choose the ideal sharpener. Use a file, grinder, or sandpaper appropriate to the size of the blade. First, hold the tool firmly in position then pass the sharpener over the edge of the blade or as ideal.

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